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Aregu Alemu

Gender Female

Grade 11

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Aregu is 19 years old and in Grade 11. She wants to become a doctor. Aregu says she loves playing with her sisters and likes to learn new things. She is a good student and has helped the other kids with their schooling. She enjoys reading, drawing, and being creative. She says she thinks of her sponsors as her family and wants them to know she loves them. 

She and her younger sister, Mulu, have been through a lot in their lives. They lived with their grandmother after their father killed their mother when they were little, and he went to prison. They were brought to New Hope with their brother, Dechessa. Aregu was 7 years old at the time. Their old grandma would come to visit them all on Sundays. In 2015, the unimaginable happened when Dechessa drowned while on summer break. One can only imagine how difficult this was for Aregu and Mulu who had lost so much already.