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Chaltu Berecha

Gender Female

Grade Started 3rd year in Hotel Management (Jan 2023)

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Chaltu started her 3rd year in Hotel Management in January 2023 at Lion Tourism & Business College. She is living with other older adults from New Hope. Chaltu, whose nickname is Caye (Chaye), says her favorite thing is being with her other siblings and watching movies with friends. She says that Tomorrow Come and her sponsors bring her joy.

Chaltu was 7 when she came to New Hope Orphanage with her cousin, Kiya. Kiya had lived with Chaltu and her mother since her parents died when she was very young. Chaltu's mother was very poor, and they rarely had enough to eat. The mother asked the government to take the girls so they could have a better life. For many years they thought they were twin sisters, and it was very difficult for them when they discovered they were only cousins.