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Firehiwot Emaway

Gender Female

Grade Started 3rd year of Nursing school (Jan 2023)

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Firehiwot started her 3rd year of Nursing school in January 2023 at NAGHMC. With the help of Tomorrow Come Foundation, Firehiwot is able to attend college. Firehiwot says she loves cooking and helping the children at New Hope when she was there. She would like for you to pray for her to do well in school so she can have a good life. She also would like you to pray that she would not be afraid, that she would be healthy, and that her faith would continue to grow.

Before Firehiwot came to New Hope Orphanage, she was living with her grandma after her mother and sister died of TB when Firehiwot was only 2 years old. She never knew anything about her father.