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Melal Getu (Mitu)

Gender Female

Grade Started 3rd year in Hotel Management (Jan 2023)

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Mitu started her 3rd year in Hotel Management in January 2023 at Lion Tourism & Business College. She likes to walk and listen to music. She also enjoys reading books and poems. Mitu says she would like her sponsors to pray for her to not be afraid and to trust God to protect her. She would also like you to pray for her education. Mitu says she would like to grow up to be a wise woman and help others like the sponsors have helped her.

Mitu was living with her mother and 3 siblings before coming to New Hope Orphanage. Her mother, who was very poor, cried when she had to gave Mitu to New Hope. She loved her very much, but could not care for all of her children. She knew Mitu would have a better life.