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Merhawi Gelana

Gender Male

Grade 12


Merhawi is 19 and in grade 12 at EAC High School in Kuyera. Merhawi would like to become a pilot someday. He is quiet, but has an infectious smile and personality. He likes to swim and study history. Merhawi says his favorite thing is school, and he reports that he is a good student. He is good with his hands and likes learning how to fix things.

Merhawi was 14 and his younger sister, Kisanet was 10 when they came to New Hope from Eritrea north of Ethiopia in 2016. They were forced to flee with their father due to the violence. However, he could not support them because he needed to move around to find work. We do not know what happened to their mother.

Neither Merhawi nor Kisanet knew the local language when they arrived. But they are smart and adapted well.