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Paulos Dawit

Gender Male

Grade 11

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Paulos is 19 and in Grade 11. He wants to be an engineer. He likes writing, maintenance, and technical work. He loves to fix things. His favorite thing is listening to music and studying English. He says he has a good family.

Paulos and his 2 younger brothers, Bonsa and Yohannes, came to New Hope in 2014. They had lived in Northern Ethiopia when their mother died while giving birth. The neighbors tried to carry her to get help, but the nearest medical center was 6 hours away. She died before she arrived. Because their mother took care of cooking and helping to earn an income from grass crafting, embroidery, and hair styling, their father could not support the family on his income as a daily laborer alone.

Paulos was 11 years old when he came to New Hope. With Tomorrow Come Foundation, the 3 boys are healthy and happy.