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Bitanya Getachew (Tibabe)

Gender Female

Grade 12

Tibabe_(Bitaniya)_2021_05_-5.jpg Tibabe.JPGTibabe.JPG Tibabe.jpg Tibabe_17.JPG Tibabe_Getachew.JPG

Bitanya is 20 years old, and says her nicknames are Tibabe and Eden. Bitanya is in grade 12 at EAC High School. Her father and mother were both blind, making it very difficult to care for a baby. She lived with her brother and her grandmother until she was taken to New Hope at age 4.

Bitanya's favorite thing is hanging out with her sisters and working with different hairstyles. She loves to help the younger children with their homework, teaching them songs, and showing them how to care for themselves. In school, Bitanya likes biology the most, but says she wants to be a hostess when she grows up.